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Contributors: Rabidd909

Affiliation: None
Class: Legendary Bounty Hunter, Beyond Omega-Level Mutant
Status: Good
Species: Mutant human
Real Name: Nikolai "Niko" Rasputin
Gender: Male
Height: 7'6 in human form, 8' in metal form
Weight: 450 lbs. in human form, 900 lbs. in metal form
Eyes: Silver, no visible iris or cornea
Hair: bald
Known Relatives: Numerous former superheroes.
Fan Fiction: "Marvel: Tales of a Bounty Hunter"
Creator: Rabidd909


Metal Monolith


Being born 900 years in the future from the current Marvel universe, Nikolai was raised hearing about the exploits of his ancestor "The Mighty Colossus'', so it was no suprise that when his abilities manifested, he tried to become a hero like him. But the universe was a rough place and he ended up taking a few lives. He never forgave himself and quickly fell into the life of a bounty hunter and merc. He became known as the best of the best very quickly, and earned a legion of enemies along the way. But hope was not lost for him, every once in awhile he would do good deeds, usually to peasents, beggers and the like. The result, his eyes and ears are everywhere, and provide him with information should he ever need it as well as shelter and friendship. On many planets scattered across the universe, parants tell the tales of the Metal Monolith to their children as bedtime stories, and they know who to call when someone steps over the line.



Usually silent and sullen. Despite his massive power, he is very reluctant to use it because he sometimes feels he doesnt deserve it. But when pushed beyond a point he will completely let loose.




Niko is a mutant, possibly beyond omega-level, with a wide variety of incredibly powerful abilities. he is able to transform into a metal form which grants him invincibility as well as an infinite level of stregnth that begins well in excess of class 100, he can amplify it with a thought, his metal form grants him phenominal stamina. he also posses' cosmic-level energy manipulation which includes but is not limited to the absorbtion, altering, creating force feilds, redirection/blasts of any energy he is attacked with or has access to, ambient or active, which is also limitless because he also posses' the ability to open portals to anywhere, whether it be across the room or to another dimension or even to another multiverse, and once he does that he can absorb and use any energy he find in that dimension, universe, ect. for example he can create a portal to the darkforce dimension and draw an infinite amount of power from that dimension, he can do the same with other dimensions like the m'kraan crystal, mephistos realm or the power cosmic itself. a darker aspect of this power, he can open one or more portals inside someone or something and tear them apart. he also has quite powerful control over magnetism, the only setback is the range, which is limited to about 100 feet. he can protect himself from outside magnetic influences and allows him to fly and create nigh impenatrible force feilds. he also has an unexplained immunity to telepathy.



Niko is an supremely skilled combatant and has knowledge of a great many alien technologies, weapons, vehicles, martial arts, and sciences'. a lifetime of hunting the universes most dangerous and powerful criminals has made him one of the most deadly combatants alive even without the use of his massive powers. he also uses a wide variety of conventional and alien weaponry and tech. wears an incredibly adaptive alien combat suit of unknown origin. it is unknown why someone of his incredible durability would need to wear any sort of protection, most likely because it looks so good.



Marvel: Tales of a Bounty Hunter thread

Part One: Turning Point
Chapter One: The Girl (first appearance)
Chapter Two: The Rescue
Chapter Three: The Escape
Chapter Four: Oh Crap
Chapter Five: The Breakout
Chapter Six: Ultimatum